Glasgow Requiem:
Necropolis Flower Memorial
The Necropolis Glasgow's great silent 'City of the Dead' contains over 50,000 burials, it is well known for the grand memorials to the richer residents of the city, built from 1836 onwards. Less well known is that the cemetery contains 21,000 common or unmarked graves, where people were buried as their families or friends could not afford the price of a headstone or lair.
The Necropolis is split up into compartments named after the Greek alphabet, one named Eta, a small unassuming triangle of grass, contains 8,000 common burials. It is here that we will be collectively growing a flower memorial to the unremembered and rededicating the names and stories we can find back into public recognition.
The idea is simple, to remember and celebrate the lives of those who lived, worked, and died in Glasgow at a time of great change, irrespective of wealth or status.
We will be starting with a Spring bulb planting, a dedication by Celebrate People celebrants Gerrie and Susan Douglas-Scott and Karine Polwart will be singing.
All are welcome, bring a flask, boots and something to share!
Meet at the Bridge of Sighs, near Glasgow Cathedral.
Noon, Sunday 10th December 2023